Urbanes gleiten

Urbanes gleiten

Urbanes gleiten

Eine wirklich schöne Variante, um Gegebenheiten unseres urbanen Raumes zu nutzen und damit kreativ umzugehen, hat sich der Slowake Tomáš Moravec ausgedacht und zeigt dies in diesem Video in Bratislava.


Standartized europallet, modified to ride in the tram tracks.
Realized in Bratislava, Slovakia.

The space between the tram tracks in Bratislava is 435 mm narrower than the gauge of tracks in Prague or Pilsen (1435 mm). The wooden europallet, a basic feature of any warehouse or storage hall, with its standartized 1200 x 800 mm dimensions, when modified can only run on the tracks in Bratislava.

A new transport vehicle brings change into the spatial perspective of a passenger in motion and generally changes the life of the city, through which the pallet can run, guided by a map of the city lines.
/ text by Martin Mazanec /«